The Perth Artifactory

Our calendar is on the events page of the main artifactory website or on our facebook page. A list of events alongside rehearsal room bookings is here. Documentation for the space is kept on the wiki.

Space showing closed? Paid up members can get a key for 24/7 access. Why not join today?

These images are at most 20 seconds old.

A view of the carpark
A view of the foyer, including the front door
A birds eye view of the project area from above the rehearsal room
A view of the project area from above the machine room door
A view of the laser cutters
A view of the social area, bar, and kitchen
A view of the electronics lab from the foyer door
A view of the rehearsal room
A view of the mill and metal lathe
A view of the upcycle rack, welding bay, and front roller door
A view of the front section of the machine room
A view of the back section of the machine room including the CNC router

The following known people are in the space right now. Want to register your phone and appear in this list? contact

Committee Member | Laser Trainer | Laser Maintainer | CNC Router Trainer | Gives Tours | Electronics Experience | 24/7 Keyholder | 3D Printing Experience